6th November (Sunday)
19:00– WSC–opening ceremony and dinner
7:00–9:00 Breakfast
9:00–10:15 WSC–questioning time
10:30–10:40 WSC – Official opening
10:40–11:40 WSC – Individual Round (Part1, Part2)
11:50–13:30 Lunch
13:40–16:05 WSC – Individual Rounds (Part3, Part4, Part5)
16:10–16:50 Coffee break
16:55–18:30 WSC – Team Rounds (Part6, Part7)
19:00–21:00 Dinner
21:00–23:00 Evening additional program (Pop-Rock Quiz á la Jeopardy)
8th November (Tuesday)
7:00–9:00 Breakfast
9:00–11:50 WSC – Individual Rounds (Part8, Part9, Part10)
12:00–13:40 Lunch
13:50–15:15 WSC – Indicidual Rounds (Part11, Part12)
15:20–16:00 Coffee break
16:05–17:05 WSC – Team Round (Part 13)
Parallel transfer from Budapest for those who're arriving only for the WPC
17:30–18:00 Protesting (only for the top players, who have chance to be in the Playoff)
18:15–19:15 WSC–Playoff
19:30–21:00 Dinner
21:00–23:00 Questioning time for WPC (Part 1)
9th November (Wednesday)
7:00–9:00 Breakfast
9:00–9:30 WPC–questioning time (Part 2 - if it needs)
9:30–10:45 Sightseeing city-tour in Eger
12:00–13:40 Lunch
13:45– Outside tour with photo session + WSC Award Ceremony + Dinner in a winecellar
10th November (Thursday)
7:00–9:00 Breakfast
Parallel – transfer to Budapest for those who arrived only for the WSC
9:00–12:00 WPC – Individual Rounds (Part 1, Part 2, Part 3)
Parallel – General Assembly of the WPF
12:10–13:40 Lunch
13:50–15:40 WPC – Individual Rounds (Part 4, Part 5)
Parallel – General Assembly of the WPF
15:40–16:30 Coffee break
16:30–18:30 WPC – Team Rounds (Part 6, Part 7)
19:00–21:00 Dinner
21:00–23:00 Evening additional program (Crossword-puzzle Championship)
11th November (Friday)
7:00–9:00 Breakfast
9:00–11:55 WPC – Individual Rounds (Part 8, Part 9, Part 10, Part 11 - Magic 11)
Parallel – General Assembly of the WPF (if needed)
12:05–13:30 Lunch
13:40–16:10 WPC – Individual Rounds (Part 12, Part 13)
16:10–17:30 Coffee break
17:30–18:30 WPC – Individual Rounds (Part 14 - Best of WPC)
19:00–21:00 Dinner
21:00–23:00 Evening additional program (Puzzles are left out of the championships…)
12th November (Saturday)
7:00–9:00 Breakfast
9:00–10:00 WPC – Team Round (Part 15)
11:00–12:00 WPC–Play off
12:15–13:45 Lunch
14:00–19:00 Free time (football game, etc.)
19:30– WPC Awards Ceremony and Dinner
13th November (Sunday)
7:00–9:00 Breakfast
All day – transfer to Budapest for those who won't stay for the 11th 24-Hours Puzzle Championship.
Free time for the puzzle-marathonist
17:30–18:30 24HPC - Questioning time
19:00–21:00 Dinner
14th November (Monday)
7:00–9:00 Breakfast
9:00– Puzzling for 24 hours
15th November (Tuesday)
–9:00 Fininshing the puzzles parts
11:00–11:30 24HPC - Award Ceremony
11:30–13:00 Lunch
13:00- Departure from the hotel
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