Sudoku Students' Day Cup 2021 - Puzzle list

List of puzzles corresponds with Instruction booklet v2 (released on November 12; only in Czech).
Note: Puzzles No.1-29 are size 9×9 (with numbers 1 to 9). Puzzles No.30-35 are size 6×6 (with numbers 1 to 6). Puzzles marked with letter "N" have irregular regions (instead of 3×3 boxes).

Competition puzzle order

No. English name (Czech name) Points
1. Classic Sudoku (Klasika)
2. Classic Sudoku (Klasika)
3. Classic Sudoku (Klasika)
4. Classic Sudoku (Klasika)
5. Even Sudoku (Sudé)
6. Odd Sudoku (Liché)
7. Sum sudoku (Součtovka)
8. Difference Sudoku (Rozdílovka)
9. Extra Regions Sudoku (Extraregiony)
10. Sudoku XV (Římské)
11. Windoku (Windoku)
12. Diagonal Sudoku (Diagonální)
13. Search Nine Sudoku (Kde je devítka?)
14. Killer Sudoku (Killer)
15. Fortress Sudoku (Pevnost)
16. Greater Than Sudoku (Srovnávací)
17. Consecutive sudoku (Sousledné)
18. Consecutive sudoku (Sousledné) - N
19. Clone Sudoku (Klonování)
20. Clone Sudoku (Klonování) - N
21. No Knight Step Sudoku (Antiknight)
22. No Knight Step Sudoku (Antiknight) - N
23. Thermo Sudoku (Teploměry)
24. Thermo Sudoku (Teploměry) - N
25. Arrow Sudoku (Šipky)
26. Arrow Sudoku (Šipky) - N
27. Skyscrapers Sudoku (Mrakodrapy)
28. Skyscrapers Sudoku (Mrakodrapy) - N
29. Sudokuro (Sudokuro)
30. Classic Sudoku 6×6 (Klasika 6×6) - N
31. Even Sudoku 6×6 (Sudé 6×6) - N
32. Sudoku XV 6×6 (Římské 6×6) - N
33. Difference Sudoku 6×6 (Rozdílovka 6×6) - N
34. Greater Than Sudoku 6×6 (Srovnávací 6×6) - N
35. Extra Regions Sudoku 6×6 (Extraregiony 6×6) - N

Alphabetical puzzle order

Arrow Sudoku
Place a number from 1-9 in each empty cell in the grid such that each row, column and marked 3x3 box contains each number exactly once.
Number placed in a cell with a circle must be the sum of the numbers placed in cells the adjoining arrow passes through. Numbers may repeat on arrows.
Classic Sudoku
Place a number from 1-9 in each empty cell in the grid such that each row, column and marked 3x3 box contains each number exactly once.
Clone Sudoku
Place a number from 1-9 in each empty cell in the grid such that each row, column and marked 3x3 box contains each number exactly once.
Numbers in the same place in all shaded figures must be identical.
Consecutive sudoku
Place a number from 1-9 in each empty cell in the grid such that each row, column and marked 3x3 box contains each number exactly once.
In all cases where two neighbouring cells contain consecutive numbers, a grey dot is placed between those cells.
Diagonal Sudoku
Place a number from 1-9 in each empty cell in the grid such that each row, column and marked 3x3 box contains each number exactly once.
Each marked diagonal must also contain each number from 1-9 exactly once.
Difference Sudoku
Place a number from 1-9 in each empty cell in the grid such that each row, column and marked 3x3 box contains each number exactly once.
Number in a circle tells the difference between the two adjacent numbers.
Even Sudoku
Place a number from 1-9 in each empty cell in the grid such that each row, column and marked 3x3 box contains each number exactly once.
Numbers placed in shaded cells must be even (2, 4, 6, 8).
Extra Regions Sudoku
Place a number from 1-9 in each empty cell in the grid such that each row, column and marked 3x3 box contains each number exactly once.
Each of the shaded regions must also contain each number from 1-9 exactly once.
Fortress Sudoku
Place a number from 1-9 in each empty cell in the grid such that each row, column and marked 3x3 box contains each number exactly once.
A number placed in a shaded cell must be strictly greater than numbers placed in adjacent unshaded cells.
Greater Than Sudoku
Place a number from 1-9 in each empty cell in the grid such that each row, column and marked 3x3 box contains each number exactly once.
If there is an inequality relation marked between two cells then the numbers placed in the cells should obey the relation.
Killer Sudoku
Place a number from 1-9 in each empty cell in the grid such that each row, column and marked 3x3 box contains each number exactly once.
The numbers placed in each marked cage must sum to the total given in its top-left. Numbers must not repeat in cages.
No Knight Step Sudoku
Place a number from 1-9 in each empty cell in the grid such that each row, column and marked 3x3 box contains each number exactly once.
Numbers placed in cells related by a chess Knight's move must be different.
Odd Sudoku
Place a number from 1-9 in each empty cell in the grid such that each row, column and marked 3x3 box contains each number exactly once.
Numbers placed in shaded cells must be odd (1, 3, 5, 7, 9).
Search Nine Sudoku
Place a number from 1-9 in each empty cell in the grid such that each row, column and marked 3x3 box contains each number exactly once.
Some arrows are marked in the grid. Each arrow points to the number 9 in the respective row or column. The number in the cell with the arrow is the distance from this cell to the corresponding number 9.
Skyscrapers Sudoku
Place a number from 1-9 in each empty cell in the grid such that each row, column and marked 3x3 box contains each number exactly once.
Each number in the grid represents the height of a building and the clues on the outside of the grid indicate how many buildings can be “seen” when looking from that direction. Taller buildings block the view of smaller buildings.

Sudoku XV

Place a number from 1-9 in each empty cell in the grid such that each row, column and marked 3x3 box contains each number exactly once.
All horizontally and vertically neighbouring numbers with the sum 10 are marked with X, all horizontally and vertically neighbouring numbers with the sum 5 are marked with V.
Place a digit from 1 to 9 into each of the empty cells so that each digit appears exactly once in each row, column and irregular shaped outlined box. The sum of numbers in each horizontal and vertical group of cells is given on its left and top respectively.
Sum sudoku
Place a number from 1-9 in each empty cell in the grid such that each row, column and marked 3x3 box contains each number exactly once.
Number in a circle tells the sum of the two adjacent numbers.
Thermo Sudoku
Place a number from 1-9 in each empty cell in the grid such that each row, column and marked 3x3 box contains each number exactly once.
Starting at the "bulb", numbers placed along each marked thermometer must form a strictly increasing sequence.
Place a number from 1-9 in each empty cell in the grid such that each row, column and marked 3x3 box contains each number exactly once.
Each of the four shaded 3x3 regions must also contain each digit from 1-9 exactly once.


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