Software pro vyhodnocování MS

Světová federace (WPF) volá experty na IT z řad sudokářů a logiků do zbraně. Cílem je připravit software, který by využívali pořadatelé mistrovství světa k záznamu výsledků soutěže a jejich publikování tiskem a online. Nabídky včetně požadované finanční odměny je možné zasílat do 14. března. Viz níže a viz příloha.

- 13. 2. 2016 - Krt -

Dear members,
as we have informed you in my last email I have a great opportunity for you, IT-experienced puzzlers.
The WPF wishes to support the future WSC/WPC hosts by offering them a commission score-tracking software for use during WSC/WPC competitions. The primary purpose of this software is to provide an all-in-one system for tournament hosts to score contestants and to publish results both in printed form onsite and to simultaneously make them available online.
Attached you can find a document containing a detailed description of software requirements prepared by Gareth Moore and approved by the Board.
As part of your offer, could you please quote a price and mark what the price would include?
Please feel free to share this offer with all your team members and friends and give them a chance to improve the standard of the biggest WPF events - World Sudoku and Puzzle Championships.
The deadline for your offers is March 14, 2016.
We are very much looking forward to your emails
Best regards, Hana Koudelková, WPF Director
WPF Software requirements final.pdf292.95 KB

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